Carpet 渥太华的清洁服务 | Home & 商业| Enviropure-优德游戏app


Enviropure的服务包括 清洁地毯 在渥太华的家中 & 商家要恢复他们的形象 & sanitary condition, providing your family or team with a clean environment.

Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification
Amdecon certified biohazard specialist certification
ABRA Certified Bio-Recovery Technician Seal

可靠的 & Thorough Carpet 渥太华的清洁服务

Carpets provide a plush feeling in many Ottawa homes and businesses. Over time, 然而, carpets get worn down and trap significant amounts of 灰尘, 污垢, 过敏原, 等. Even with regular vacuuming, there’s only so much you can get out. That’s where the benefit of professional carpet cleaning comes in.

Enviropure is an experienced Ottawa carpet cleaning company. Our dependable crews have the training, 技能, and gear necessary to clean even the toughest, 大多数穿, 还有脏地毯. 你是否有日常的磨损, 污垢, 食物污渍, 饮料污渍, 宠物污渍, 或者地毯上的其他物质, we’ll be able to clean them and get them looking almost like new again.

Thanks to our experience and reputation as a trusted provider of Ottawa cleaning services, when you hire Enviropure for professional carpet cleaning in Ottawa, you’re getting a team who has broad cleaning experience as well as specific techniques & know-how to tackle even the toughest carpet cleaning jobs. We value and are proud of the repeat business & referrals we’ve earned from Ottawa carpet cleaning and other services. 这就是推动我们做出伟大产品的动力 地毯清洗结果 每一次. 联系 us today for your FREE carpet cleaning quote.


Common Carpet Stains That We Can Help With

The team of carpet cleanign experts at Enviropure have seen it all when it comes to 污垢y carpets. Some of the most common car宠物污渍 that we help clean include:

  • 宠物污渍
  • 红酒渍
  • 咖啡污渍
  • 血迹
  • 果汁渍
  • & 更多的!

在Enviropure, 我们理解泄漏, 泄漏, and accidents happen – no matter how hard you try to prevent them. That’s why we offer our carpet cleaning services at an affordable rate, so you can live your life and not worry about the little things. We’re here to help with all your carpet cleaning needs!

A dog lies on a bed with its tongue out


需要清洗地毯吗?? 寻找装修后的清理工作? Or maybe you just need a thorough house cleaning. 今天优德游戏app免费评估!

A home has smoke odor removed by Enviropure home cleaning

How Reputable Carpet Cleaners Make a Difference

While there are some ads for ‘cheap’ carpet ‘cleaning’ in Ottawa, the old adage rings true: “You get what you pay for.” A guy making one pass with some weak steam isn’t really going to clean your carpets. That’s why it’s worthwhile for you to invest a bit more to get a true, deep, quality carpet cleaning.

Professional carpet cleaners stand out from the fly-by-night operators with several key points of differentiation. As an experienced and trusted provider of comprehensive cleaning services in Ottawa, we’ve made it a primary goal to be a partner in the cleaning of homes and offices, forging long-term business relationships with our valued clientele. We are determined to help make and keep your home or business a clean place for everyone to enjoy. That’s why we don’t take shortcuts or cut corners to save a few bucks. We go the extra mile in getting a deep clean 每一次. 在Enviropure, your satisfaction is our highest priority.

Count on Ottawa’s carpet cleaning experts at Enviropure for a thorough carpet cleaning that will restore your carpet to a fresh state that will hold up well over time.


The Benefits of Hiring A 专业的地毯 渥太华的清洁服务

Carpets are a great addition to your home or office, 然而, everyday 污垢 is carried throughout spreading 灰尘 and other contaminants that cause allergies, 污渍, 和更多的. This is why it’s essential to keep your carpets as clean as possible. There could be multiple reasons for cleaning your carpet, such as 清除猫尿. Although there are several benefits to hiring a carpet cleaning service in Ottawa for regular carpet cleaning, 这里有几个关键的:

  • 延长地毯的使用寿命
  • Healthier living environment by eliminating 过敏原
  • Odour-free地毯
  • 去除斑点和污渍
  • 增强整体外观

在Enviropure, we offer carpet cleaning services for both homes and businesses in Ottawa. 今天就和我们一起开始吧!


经常 问问题

Below are the answers to some of our frequently asked questions. If you have any other questions, feel free to 联系 Enviropure today.

We generally estimate around 20 minutes per room for our expert carpet cleaning in Ottawa. This can vary depending on the size, layout, and configuration of the room; how much furniture, 等. what we are moving; the condition of the carpet; and spot/stain removal. 在渥太华一栋典型的两层房子里, carpet cleaning can take anywhere from 2-4 hours, very much depending on how much of the house has carpeting. 如果你家的地板大多铺着地毯, it’s better to budget 3-4 hours; if you have mostly hardwood floors but have carpet in the basement and maybe a bedroom or two, you’re probably looking at more like 2 hours for the carpet cleaning service. We’ll let you know more details when preparing your carpeting cleaning quote. We’ll also talk about leaving windows open, depending on the time of year the carpet cleaning is being performed – as well as pets, 孩子和其他细节.

联系 我们今天在Enviropure的团队 to receive a free quote for our carpet cleaning services in Ottawa!

当然有! 我们的室内装饰 & 请给我床垫清洁页 点击这里 欲知详情. If you have area rugs over hardwood/tile floors, and we’re at your home doing a carpet cleaning, 我们还可以清洁地毯. Just be sure to mention the rugs (and/or the upholstery) when 联系ing us to request your free quote for Ottawa carpet cleaning. As we are a leading provider of Ottawa home cleaning services, we offer cleaning for tile floors and hardwood floors as well; 然而, these are generally performed by our home cleaning crews, in tandem with the cleaning of your kitchen, 浴室 & 房子的其他区域. We’d be happy to give a quote for these home cleaning services as well.

If you’re interested in working with us for home cleaning services in Ottawa, 联系 我们今天免费报价!

事实上,它不疼! With years in the house cleaning business as well as being Ottawa’s carpet cleaning pros, we see a fair number of people fulfill the stereotype of someone “cleaning the house before the ‘cleaning lady’ comes.” While we appreciate the effort they put in, 事实上, vacuuming ahead of a carpet cleaning isn’t a bad idea. 这让我们有了一个良好的开端, as that’s one less thing we’ll have to do while on-site, translating to less time which means keeping the overall carpet cleaning cost down for you. If you don’t have the time or forget to vacuum prior to the arrival of our friendly carpet cleaning crew, 没关系, we’ll be able to vacuum what’s needed before performing the carpet cleaning for your home or business.

联系 our team today to get started with a free quote for our carpet cleaning service in Ottawa.

Although you may regularly clean your carpets, 有细小的颗粒, 灰尘, and 污垢 that most vacuum cleaners don’t pick up.

Having a professional carpet cleaning service clean your carpets can provide a deeper clean, 延长地毯的使用寿命, 去除顽固的斑点和污渍, 也要去除任何难闻的气味.

发生了,不会有什么伤害. 也就是说, we would be happy to move all small furniture items such as coffee tables, 茶几, 晚上表, 室内装饰,比如沙发, 爱的座位, and chairs – even easily movable dining tables! At the end of the day, we want to make it easy as possible for you. To protect our staff and your precious pieces, 我们无法移动电子设备, planters or heavy objects such as a buffet/hutch, 书架, 梳妆台/箱, 大床. If you are unsure of whether something can be moved by our team, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Ready to get started with our carpet cleaning services in Ottawa? 联系 今天我们来为我们的服务报价.

While we do our best to get rid of car宠物污渍, 点, 还有其他瑕疵, we cannot guarantee that this will be the case. There are many factors that can affect a stain or spot on a carpet. Unfortunately, some materials and substances leave a permanent stain. The type of carpet being cleaned also makes difference, especially regarding the age of the carpet, the material composing the carpet fibres, 等. 许多地毯污渍, 就像衣服上的污渍一样, become permanent or near-permanent once they are dried. If you spill something on the carpet or have a pet urine stain, 等., the best thing to do first is to treat the stain before it dries. 这并不总是可行的, especially with pets overnight or while you’re gone during the day, 但是如果可能的话, we recommend using soap and water to dab the carpet stain. While our Ottawa carpet cleaning crews are highly professional and great at what they do, there will be certain things beyond anyone’s powers. Our carpet pros will go over the 污渍 or 点 when they arrive, giving you an assessment of the stain but still no guarantee whether it can be removed. 我们会尽力的!

If you have more questions about carpet cleaning for stain removal, 联系 我们今天在Enviropure的团队!
